A Cup Of Inspiration

So I had this idea. Probably because I already had my morning coffee. I thought maybe every Sunday morning we could have a virtual coffee date and could sit around and chat about things we did the previous week or things we wanted to do in the coming week and most importantly share things we discovered or learned the previous week!

Sound like a great idea?

I thought so!

1. Low Carb Lemon Cheesecake Muffins

I’ve recently started cutting out pretty much all carbs (I’m a complete carboholic!) in a desperate attempt to shed some very unwanted pounds. This is really hard for me because I’m a stress and comfort eater and what do I turn to? Carbs please!

When I saw these yummy looking low carb muffins shared by my sweet friend Sinea, I knew I’d have to try them and SOON!

You can find the recipe HERE

2. Strawberry S’mores

I know, right?

So honestly I’m not much of a s’more person but my kids love them and the minute the weather cools off a bit we are all about having campfires in our backyard fire pit. Of course no backyard campfire is complete unless you have something to roast over the fire.

After seeing these s’mores with the strawberries added I think I may have to give s’mores another chance. I mean, this looks amazing!

Check out the full details HERE.

3. Fabric Pumpkins

I wasn’t even thinking about fall.

I was too busy sweating in my yard and watering all day every day to keep all my plants alive.

But then….

Then I stumbled across Kayla’s blog post of her fall home tour and I was so inspired by how she embellishes her homemade DIY fabric pumpkins that I went straight to my fabric stash, grabbed up some fabric and started cutting.

My breakfast table currently looks like some sort of pumpkin patch exploded but prepare to be amazed this fall when I start decorating!

You don’t want to miss Kayla’s tutorial HERE.

4. Summer Clearance Sales

Speaking of fall decor…..

Emily and I recently combed the clearance racks for summer decor that could be used for fall. With sales on summer decor anywhere from 75-90% right now, you can save a whole lot of money!

Now by “combing the clearance racks” I pretty much mean sitting in front of my laptop looking online but you get the idea.

You can order any of these items online and have them shipped to you with the links we provided or you can check out your local JoAnns or Michaels for some of the items we shared.

Check out all the great deals HERE.

5. How To Preserve Fresh Herbs

With an abundance of fresh herbs in my garden right now this blog post caught my eye. There’s nothing nicer than using fresh herbs in your salads and in your cooking but what about during the months that you can’t have them fresh?

To see how to preserve them for later use, check out this post HERE.

As a final treat this week, here is a blog post Emily published this morning where she shared a whole bunch of amazing things she found around the web this week!

I’d love to hear what you have been up to lately and what you are excited to try soon….just leave me a comment.

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  1. Emily says:

    Love this!!! Those recipes look amazing! Iโ€™m always looking for yummy recipes to make for my hungry boys!! Such a fun post! Iโ€™m excited to read this every Sunday!

    1. stilettosandshiplap says:

      I know what you mean and with fussy eaters that are always hungry it’s even more of a challenge. I really want to try these soon and if I love the recipes I’ll add them to my recipe section on the blog too.

  2. How nice to be a part of your first cup of inspirations. Thanks

    1. stilettosandshiplap says:

      Thank you so much for stopping by! I’m looking forward to sharing with y’all each week. Have a wonderful day, friend

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