Daily Cleaning Schedule Versus Weekly Cleaning – 2 Weeks In

Well I’ve been testing out the theory of daily cleaning rather than the weekly cleaning I’ve done my whole life to this point. I promised I would keep you up to date on how it was going and the pros and cons of it and here I am to keep my promise.

I’ve completed 2 weeks on the new daily plan and am about to start into my 3rd week.

If I’m being completely honest I’m not the most self disciplined person in the world. I get lots done every day, don’t get me wrong, I’m just not the sort to willingly follow a set schedule, do certain things at certain times and have everything all planned out in advance.

I like to get up in the morning, see what the weather looks like, see what is motivating and inspiring me that day, eat what I feel like eating for meals (I’ve never been able to manage meal plans) and jump head first into projects. One thing usually leads to another and I like to float from one task to the next as it occurs to me or as I’m inspired. That doesn’t mean this is how I do things every day but this is what I would prefer and what my personality prefers.

That being said the first week was a little rocky. My personality fought the concept of getting neck deep into my daily cleaning task first thing in the day and so several times the day had almost completely gotten away from me before I got started on my cleaning. This meant that it was not as thorough as I would have liked. I didn’t get glass cleaned or light fixtures dusted and so on. I was only able to hit the high points and do the major bit of the cleaning in the assigned room. I wasn’t feeling particularly good about this fact but wasn’t taking strides to correct it either.

Enter week 2! I had given myself a little talking to about putting more effort into making this a successful experiment and feeling good about my progress at the end of the week. I’m not saying week 1 was a complete flop but I didn’t really feel like I had fully gotten an honest feel for things – my fault, of course.

I hit the ground running week 2. I started my daily cleaning task much earlier in the day. I put on some music that would energize me while cleaning and set into it with gusto. Once I started it was like I couldn’t stop myself and each room was getting a scare it hasn’t gotten since I deep cleaned to list the house for sale 1.5 years ago.

Walls were scrubbed, every surface that could collect dust was either dusted or wiped down, everything was deep cleaned that could be, linens, towels, curtains, rugs – everything was washed.

It surprised me how much brighter things looked with this extra cleaning. It literally did make a visible difference in spite of things not looking “dirty” before.

Another thing I noticed was that with doing my daily cleaning task, I seemed to pay a bit closer attention to taking things to their proper place and putting them fully away rather than just making a pile of things to go to a certain room or upstairs etc.

That said, the house was tidier every day than it usually is.

I fully intend to keep to my daily cleaning schedule and will update you in another couple weeks to see how things continue to go with this. I’d highly recommend trying this out for yourself and if you’d like a copy of the cleaning schedule I am following, simple click HERE

Until next time…

(all photos from Pexels)

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  1. This is a great idea. I was taught to tidy up before dinner and then again before bed. Such cute, cute photos.

    1. stilettosandshiplap says:

      I love that idea but have never managed to get that to work in my house. Even this is a struggle still but seems to get easier each day I do it.

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