Can You Keep A Secret?

Psssttttt I’m keeping a little secret.

Wanna know what it is?

Of course if I tell you, it won’t be a secret anymore but I’m dying to tell you.

Wanna take a guess first?

You’ll never guess anyways ….

Are you sitting down? Better grab a fresh coffee. I’m going to grab one. I’ll be right back.

Okay, I’m back. Now let’s chat. So back to the secret.

We’re moving.

Yup! You heard me right. Moving.

My good friend Meg says she feels so bad about all the work I’ve done to this place that I would be walking away from. I said that’s what I do and will do as long as I can still walk around on my own power and swing a hammer and hold a paint brush with a semi steady hand.

Image by evondue from Pixabay

Honestly I’m so excited! Sure I’ve done lots of work to this house but no matter where I move to and no matter what 4 walls surround me, I will always find something to do to them. You see, I never got to help pick this place. I was far, far away at the time that hubby purchased this place and he did the best he could finding a home for us. Really he did a good job. We have made good memories here. It’s just never really been me but that’s okay.

This time it will be different. I will get to help choose it and you can bet it is going to need some work and I’m hoping will have some character in those old walls. You couldn’t see it but my fingers and my toes were crossed just then.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

We are still really hoping to eventually end up on an acreage outside of the city but after looking and looking for years now for something within our price range that will fit our family, we have not given up but have decided to move elsewhere and continue the search from a different home.

Now, that being said I am currently in the midst of getting our home ready to list. I’m not an expert on this subject but I do know a thing or three (to quote Tigger). I thought I would write a few blogs on this subject with what I’ve learned over the years while listing and selling homes. Sound good? Watch for those in the weeks to come.

One thing I do know is that this past week nothing has gotten crossed off my To Do list and many, many things have gotten added to it.

Image byย Gerd Altmannย fromย Pixabay

How does that happen on a home that was seemingly as good as finished on the main floor and although not as I would have it on the 2nd floor, was acceptable by most standards? I’m still working on that formula. Apparently I slept through that math class in High School.

And so now, my friends, I must bid you adieu! My To Do list is calling. It does that a lot.

Until next time….

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  1. Wowwwww! That is so exciting! I’m so happy for you! I know the new house is going to be amazing (and full of projects)!

    Happy day friend!

    1. stilettosandshiplap says:

      Thanks! I’m excited but as you know it’s a ton of work before the fun stuff starts. Still waiting to find out if the fun little place I found is gonna be ours or not. I’m anxious to share if we get the good news….


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